Library is prominent on the left-hand side of the user interface.

Library pane consists of several sections.

  1. Primitives which includes basic components / operations such as adder, multiplier etc.
  2. Generators which includes components that generate signal such as oscillators and LFO.
  3. Filters which includes built-in filters.
  4. Bench with components that can support and interface with your design.
  5. Custom is a section where the graphs you design can be stored as components. See reference topic on Graph export

Subsections of the library can be opened by clicking on subsection title (e.g. Primitives/Bench).

Library types

Underneath the user interface, there is a bit more structure to libraries. There are essentially three types of libraries:

  1. System which includes built-in components installed with the software.
  2. Extended this can be additional libraries that have been separated for usability purposes (e.g. Logic library that has a lot of components but not everybody wants to use) or a third party library
  3. User library holds components defined by the user.

Active libraries (and potentially built-in components) are listed in plain index.xml file in the library folder.

Managing libraries

To open the library editor hit the Libraries… button on the main toolbar.

Library button

Library editor allows adding, removing and exporting libraries. The UX should be self-explanatory. Selecting a library shows info and components, and selected library can be removed (excluding system libraries). Libraries can be added from the local file system or from a URL.

Library editor


Now read about exporting components and your design.

Version: 1.0.13-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2023-11-12.